الجمعة، 14 أكتوبر 2011

Credit card reports Georgia

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This year’s Day of Silence will be held in memory of Lawrence King, a California 8th-grader who was shot and killed Feb. 12 by a classmate because credit card reports Georgia of his sexual orientation and gender expression.

Find out more about the Lawrence King tragedy here. The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) sponsors the event, and encourages students to participate in cooperation with their schools. Some students may choose to credit card reports Georgia be silent for the day, while others might choose to be silent for part of the day, during lunch, or at a community event. Some students may participate in Breaking the Silence rallies where students come together at the end of the day to express themselves and share their experiences.

Heres a PSA featuring Lance Bass about the day: Right after Lawrence King was shot and killed, Ellen DeGeneres spoke out against the hate crime on her show. Ellens passionate plea for people to be accepting of everyone was powerful, and credit card reports Georgia something I think everyone should see. Visit the Day of Silence website for tips on how to acknowledge the day at your school, or how you can participate if your school chooses not to support the day. And if you participate in this day at your school, please comment credit card reports Georgia here and let us know what you credit card reports Georgia did and how it was received! credit scores credit reports

April 25, 2008 Filed under In the News, Politics I just found out about a writing contest that may be of interest to some of you! Its from The Nation magazine, and is sponsored by the BIL Charitable Trust to recognize and reward the best in student writing and thinking.

Here are the details: Were looking for original, thoughtful, provocative student voices to answer this question: What have you learned credit card reports Georgia from a personal experience that the next president should know before setting the agenda for the country? Essays should not exceed 800 words and should be original, unpublished work (the writing can have been published in a student publication) that demonstrates credit card reports Georgia fresh, clear thinking and superior quality of expression and craftsmanship. Well select five finalists and two winnersone from college, one from high credit card reports Georgia school. Each winner will be awarded a $1,000 cash prize and a Nation subscription. how to get your free credit report The winning essays will be published credit card reports Georgia and/or excerpted in the magazine and featured credit card reports Georgia on our website.

The five finalists will be awarded $200 each and subscriptions, and their entries will be published online.

Submissions credit card reports Georgia can be e-mailed to studentprize@thenation.com. Please include the essay in the body of the e-mail. Each entry must include authors name, address, phone number, e-mail and short biography and school affiliation - and say student essay in the subject line. Email studentprize@thenation.com with any questions. April 24, 2008 Filed under Career Dreams A HUGE congratulations to Indy car racer Danica Patrick! Danica made history on Sunday when she won the Indy Japan 300the first time a woman has ever won an Indy car race! It wasnt that long ago that women werent allowed to even be a member of a racing pit crew, let alone compete in such races. Then in 1977, Janet Guthrie became the first woman to qualify for the Indy 500.

She writes about her racing career in her book Life at Full Throttle. Today, Danica at 26 years old, is forging new paths of her own. Since coming in fourth place in the Indy 500 three years ago, shes been trying to winsomething that many didnt think was possible. Even though she was gaining credit card reports Georgia lots of attention for her racing skills, she was constantly faced with those who said shed never capture that top spot. free credit report online

In an interview with The New York credit card reports Georgia Times, Danica talked about what her victory credit card reports Georgia means to her: This reaches outside racing.

This is about finding something you love to do, and following through with it.credit card reports Georgia I couldnt have said it better myself! Congrats again Danica, and well be cheering you on in the Indy 500 credit card reports Georgia next month! April 23, 2008 Filed under Career Dreams, In the News Happy Earth Day! Today people all over the world are joining together to celebrate our credit card reports Georgia planet and recommit to protecting its natural resources.

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